Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sitting across the table at yet another one of the pretentious ccds I see someone just as pretentious, someone I know no longer. I did, once. I don't see guts, I see a downright bare desire to dominate all and seek attention. I don't see saucy humour, I see a deviant who is reveling in things which shouldn't be laughed at. I don't see a smile, all I see is a perpetual sneer. I don't see someone who says refreshingly 'hatke' things but someone who makes absurd statements and backs off realizing there's no justification whatsoever. He tells me ragging is fun...oh yeah?! Maybe we should ask someone who got pushed off the fourth floor of IIT- K years back...come to think of it, I bloody well remember the same person whining like a scalded cat about ragging not too long back. He throws around money like he's got millions to spare in an effort to prove god knows what. It's ridiculous. It's endless. The person I knew is gone. In his place I see one more mindless idiot stuck in the world of MCPs who choose to believe that checking out babes on the roads is their due, who choose to refer to their mothers as "just" houswives and who can stand anything but the bare, direct and hard hitting truth from a woman because their ego is just as stable as a wad of cotton candy.


ramyasastry said...

super!!more of such stuff plz...

allies_allways said...

so true! and the irony is, these MCPs'll go around screwing up big time everywhere, and it'll be their "just a housewife" mothers who'll come to their side in the end... not their idiotic friends who convinced then 2 screw up in the first place!