Thursday, May 12, 2011

You were once a stranger. Amidst all the green, you had eyes just for what you liked in me - the sights, the sounds and the small feet wrapped in socks. Years have gone by and your eyes and your life have grown to accommodate my madness, my moods and my mistakes. Sometimes I think (but mostly I overdo it or sometimes I just go by random impulses) and I wonder how confusing it must be for you. Sometimes I decide to set something right and it turns itself over thrice. Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes. After yet another such sometime, I want you to know that as mad, nervous and incomprehensible as I may be and I am, I deeply appreciate how your eyes, despite knowing all of me, still choose to focus on what you first liked.

Love you.


Shoma said...

Howcome nobody comments on this? :)

Raison d'ĂȘtre said...

Now I know :D :D