Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I may not be the centre of The Universe:P:) but I do feel like I'm shining in our own glittering galaxy. Thank you, dear all.


Pooja said...

I wouldn't quite disagree wid tat statement...well 4 starters, my Hindi class COMPLETELY revolves around U!!! Secondly, U surely d centre of Chhavijit's world, universe, call it wat U want...I bet U 4 a zillion dollars tat there's NOT A SINGLE MINUTE IN HIS LIFE tat he doesn think of U buddy...

Laxmi said...

haha! my sentiments ditto! :)

Raison d'ĂȘtre said...

Since human came in to existence... they gave sun the utmost respect... for it deserved it.. coz they survived because of the sun... they tagged it to be the center of the universe... just to realize that it is not... and still we respect the sun.. for it is the reason we are still alive.... and it is not the center..